Liberation Dance
FAcilitator Training

"Der Ruf des/der Kriegers/in"

"... das Risiko eingehen und bis zur Grenze tanzen ..."
Eine 7-wöchige Ausbildung, um dein mächtiges Krieger/Innen-Selbst und deine Fähigkeiten als Tanz-AnleiterIn zu entdecken.
Die Absicht dieses Trainings ist, eine starke und bewusste Gemeinschaft von “Tanz-KriegerInnen” aufzubauen:
Menschen, die eine Leidenschaft für den Tanz und alle kreativen Ausdrucksformen des Bewusstseins haben die entstehen, wenn wir uns frei fühlen, unserer Wahrheit hören und unseren Weg mit Integrität gehen.
“You have to dance through the dark in order to see the light.”
Mother of Peace Book

Wir nennen diejenigen Wesen KriegerInnen, die ein tiefes Gefühl für das Leben haben; die mit Bewusstsein, Liebe, Integrität und im Dienst der großen Transformation, die jetzt in der Menschheit stattfindet, leben.
Dieses transformative Training wird von internationalen LehrerInnen, HeilerInnen und DJs geleitet, die unsere Tänze und Praktiken leiten mit der Absicht, dass sich jede/r Teilnehmer/in an die Weisheit und das Wissen erinnern kann, die tief im eigenen Selbst verwurzelt sind, damit er/sie als Facilitator Präsenz verkörpern kann.
Das Training basiert auf der Kenntnis der 7 heiligen Richtungen aus der Weisheit des alten “Anahuac” (mexikanische Linie der Ahnen-Weisheit). Das Training führt dich somit durch eine persönliche und kollektive Erfahrung, in der viele verschiedene intensive und spirituelle Praktiken deine inneren „Kriegererinnerungen“ wecken.
Nutze die Disziplin, um ein freier Geist zu sein

Die Praktiken:
* Tanzreisen: Elemente Tanz, Krafttier Tanz, Bhakti Dance, Ahnen Tanz, Medizin Tanz, Samskara Tanz - alle im zeremoniellen Ritual- Feld.
* Schamanisches Elemente Yoga
* Heilige Altare und Ritual-Kreationen
* Schwitzhütten-Zeremonien
* Meditationen
* Geschichten von Weisheitslehren erzählt
* Klangreisen
* Redekreise
Was du vom "Ruf der KriegerInnen Training"
erwarten kannst:
* Eine tiefe transformative Erfahrung, die von der inneren dunklen Seite durch die verschiedenen Stadien der Evolution und durch Erkenntnisse der Befreiung und Verkörperung deines Kriegergeistes geht.
* Eine starke innere Reise, die dich zu verschiedenen geistig erwachten Zuständen bringt, zu geistiger und mentaler Klarheit, zur Ausrichtung auf deine Lebensbestimmung, zur Stärkung des gesamten Körpers und natürlich zu einem tiefen Gefühl von Freude und innerer Freiheit.
What to expect from our “Call of the Warrior Training”:
A transformative experience that will leave you empowered, confident and liberated. An inner journey that will bring you to different spiritually awakened states, mental and spirit clarity, direction to your life purpose, full body empowerment and of course a deep sense of joy and inner freedom.

Dates & Time
Autumm 2024 to Winter 2025
Fridays 18:00 to Sundays 17:00
I Module: 4th, 5th & 6th of October /2024
II Module: 25th 26th 27th of October
III Module: 15th, 16th & 17th of November
IV Module: 6th, 7th & 8th of December
V Module: 7th, 8th, 9th February/ 2025
VI Module: 28th Feb 1th & 2th March
VII Module: 21th, 22th & 23th of March
Your Investment consist in 2 parts, one is the Cost for the Facilitator Training and
the other is the cost for Food & Accommodation.
Have a look !!
Full Training € 2800.- / Early bird: €2400,- (until 30th June 2024)
Parcel payment in 3 times, applies 5% extra from the full training cost= €2940.- / Parcel in 3 payments of €980.-
Parcel payment in 7 times, applies a 7% extra= €2996.- / Parcel in 7 payments of €428.-
*Cancellation agreements: In case of cancellation until 15th August 2024, 50% will be refund.
*Special economical conditions, please write us an email.
*Check impressions of our Trainings in
Reserve your place by sending us an email to
Reference: Facilitator Training.
All organic food in beautiful accommodations, full board.
You can do payments directly with Seminar Haus every weekend you come for the Module.
They are 3 categories of accommodation ( mostly double rooms)
Private Bath / Share Bath
Single room € 198 / €192
Double room € 168 /
Dormitory (mattress) / € 120,-
*Please inform us in your email what kind of accommodation you will take, given by order of registration.
Prices include accommodation and all organic meals .
Pay in cash every Module at Retreat Wolfsberghof.
Our Teacher Training will take place in Seminar Haus Wolfsberghof, Mostviertel, Niederösterreich
based on the wisdom of the “Red Path”
I. THE EAST / Fire element
A weekend for our new beginning, the origin, to call upon the light that awakens our path, a weekend of setting intentions and purpose for the direction of ourlives, calling in the presence of the rising Sun as a guidance and the principle element of the Fire for the transformation in our lives.
II. THE NORTH / Wind element
A weekend exploration with our ancestors, our family lineage, a profound healing work and acknowledgment of our origins and the wisdom that comes when we honor and heal our relationships with our lineage.
III. THE WEST/ Earth element
A weekend journey through the shadow, the darkness, the letting go, surrender & death. An exploration into our inner lower self and a deep look for acceptance of the shadow within our human condition.
IV. THE SOUTH / Water element
A weekend journey to access your inner core, inner water and emotions. The direction south represents family, innocence and will power. We will navigate this realm with your inner child dancer spirit.
We look upon the sky to connect with something higher than us, a searching for a real bond with the divine, the sacred, the unspoken mystery of life, a quest to find yourself in the arms of the ancient understanding of all cultures about God, Creator, Great Spirit, the Divine.
We look upon the earth, to dive deep in the realms of the great mother, finding our primordial connection to life through acknowledgment of her. A weekend full of sacred rituals and dances to dive into gratitude, grounding, and defining our way of life.
The heart space, the place that united all the 4 directions, the unification with the sky and the earth, profound realization of our inner center were we find balance and expansion.
The name “Liberation Dance“ is really what we are doing here: Dancing for Liberation.
Shaking out everything that feels stuck inside me. This form of ecstatic shamanic dance training is taking me to the next level. I can be who I want to and can reinvent myself and the way I feel, the way I express myself, in each moment new.
I am in love with the Liberation Dance training. Liberation Dance truly is for me a very powerful and life-changing medicine. It helped me to bring more clarity and alignment into my life while reclaiming my confidence and power and leaving behind me, what didn't help me anymore. I was able to heal wounds I wasn't even aware of and there was a deep-reaching Improvement of my relationships.
Liberation Dance has been a great guidance to me to learn to take up my space, within both my body and outside of myself. It has been teaching me that through connecting with the intimacy of being with my body, I can carry the confidence and trust to let myself be guided with my heart's purpose. I see this course as a great tool to embody my manifestations and bring them in alignment with my actions.