The call of the warrior
“...take the risk and dance to the edge...”

A 7 weekends training to re-discover your powerful warrior Self and your dance facilitator skills.
*The Facilitator Training intention is to raise a strong aware community of Dance Warriors: Human beings passionate for dance and all creative expressions of consciousness that are emerging once we feel free within ourselves to hear our truth and to walk our path with integrity.
*We call warriors, the beings that have a deep sense of walking life with awareness, love, integrity and in SERVICE of the great transformation that is taking place in humanity.
This transformative training will be guided by international teachers, healers and Dj’s guiding our dances and practices with the intention that each participant can remember the wisdom and knowledge that is deeply rooted within themselves so they can embody LEADERSHIP presence.
The training will be based on the knowledge of the 7 Sacred directions, from the wisdom of the ancient Anahuac (Mexican Lineage of ancestral wisdom). The training will guide you through a personal and collective experience where many different intense spiritual practices will awake your inner “warrior memories”. ...take the discipline to be a free spirit...
The practices: *Dance Journeys: Element Dance, Animal Power Dance, Bhakti Dance, Ancestors Dance, Medicine Dance, Samskara Dance; all of them in Ceremonial Ritual Field. *Shamanic-Element Yoga *Sacred Altars and Rituals Creations *Sweatlodge Ceremonies *Meditations *Story Telling Wisdom Teachings *Sound Journeys *Talking Circles What to expect from “Call of the Warrior Training” *A deep transformative experience crossing from the dark side within through the different stages of evolution, through realizations of liberation, and embodiment of your Warrior Spirit.
A strong inner journey that will bring you to different spiritually awakened states, mental and spirit clarity, direction to your life purpose, full body empowerment and of course a deep sense of joy and inner freedom.
“… you have to dance through the dark in order to see the light…” Mother of peace book
Soon more details: Information & Inscriptions through liberationdance1@gmail.com.